
PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero)

PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) adalah perusahaan jasa transportasi terbesar di Indonesia, yang mengutamakan profesionalisme dan kinerja, saat ini membutuhkan tenaga – tenaga profesional yang berintegritas tinggi untuk di tempatkan sebagai tenaga ahli dalam bidang :

1. Sistem Informasi (5 orang)
2. Kedokteran Umum (22 orang)
3. Kesehatan , Keselamatan Kerja dan Lingkungan (4 orang)
4. Hukum (27 orang)
5. Perpajakan (8 orang)

Kriteria Pelamar :
1. Warga Negara Indonesia (WNI)
2. Jenis kelamin : pria dan wanita
3. Usia setinggi-tingginya 30 tahun untuk D3 dan 35 Tahun untuk S1 per 31 Maret 2011
4. Berkelakuan Baik
5. Sehat jasmani dan rohani
6. Bersedia menandatangani pakta integritas (GCG)
7. Berpengalaman dalam bidangnya
8. Bersedia ditempatkan diseluruh wilayah kerja perusahaan
9. Tidak dalam ikatan kerja dengan instansi lain termasuk dengan PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero)
10. Lulus dalam setiap tahapan seleksi

Persyaratan umum :
Surat lamaran (ditulis tangan) dan ditandatangani diatas materai Rp.6.000,00 (enam ribu rupiah) oleh peserta dengan melampirkan :
1. Fotocopy ijazah terakhir yang telah dilegalisir
2. Fotocopy transkrip nilai yang telah dilegalisir
3. Fotocopy Kartu Tanda Penduduk (KTP) yang masih berlaku
4. Pas foto berwarna terbaru ukuran 4 X 6 cm, sebanyak 4 (empat) buah dengan diberi nama dibelakangnya
5. Surat Keterangan Kelakuan Baik dari Kepolisian yang masih berlaku
6. Surat Keterangan Sehat dari Dokter
7. Surat Pernyataan Bersedia di tempatkan diseluruh wilayah perusahaan bermaterai Rp. 6.000,00
8. Surat Pernyataan tidak dalam ikatan kerja dengan instansi lain termasuk dengan PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) bermaterai Rp. 6.000,00
9. Curiculum Vitae, mencantumkan pengalaman bekerja sampai dengan saat ini, sertifikat (keahlian/kejuruan), Ijasah tertinggi yang dimiliki bila ada

Persyaratan khusus :
1. Bagian Hukum
a. Membutuhkan 27 orang untuk ditempatkan sebagai berikut :

- wilayah Bandung 4 orang
- wilayah Jakarta dan Cirebon sebanyak 6 orang
- wilayah Sumatera Utara dan Sumatera Barat sebanyak 3 orang
- wilayah surabaya , Jember dan Semarang sebanyak 5 orang
- wilayah Yogjakarta, Purwokerto dan Madiun sebanyak 4 orang
b. Pendidikan sekurang-kurangnya S1 Hukum Program Studi Hukum Perdata, Hukum Pidana, Hukum Acara, Hukum Bisnis
c. Memiliki Sertifikat Pelatihan Advokad, Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), Legal Drafting, Kontrak Drafting atau legal Opinion
d. Memiliki surat ijin beracara
e. Memiliki pengalaman kerja diantaranya

- Advokad minimal 3 tahun dan menangani perkara litigasi (Perdata/Pidana/PHI/TUN/Arbitrase) di tiap tahapan peradilan
- Legal Officer minimal 2 tahun dan setidak-tidaknya pernah terlibat secara langsung merumuskan kebijakan tertulis/peraturan (perusahaan) dan memahami hukum perusahaan
- Kontrak Drafter/Asisten Notaris/Legal Corporate minimal 2 tahun setidak-tidaknya pernah membuat kontrak bisnis, legal opinion, memahami sistem pengadaan barang/jasa pada BUMN serta memahami hukum poerusahaan

2. Bagian Unit Usaha Kesehatan
a. Membutuhkan 22 orang untuk ditempatkan sebagai berikut :

Wilayah Jakarta 3 orang
Wilayah Bandung 3 orang
Wilayah Cirebon 1 orang
Wilayah Semarang 2 orang
Wilayah Purwokerto 1 orang
Wilayah Yogyakarta 2 orang
Wilayah Madiun 1 orang
Wilayah Surabaya 2 orang
Wilayah Jember 1 orang
Wilayah Medan 2 orang
Wilayah Padang 1 orang
Wilayah Kertapati 2 orang
Wilayah Tanjung Karang 1 orang
b. Pendidikan serendah-rendahnya S1 Kedokteran Umum
c. Memiliki Surat Tanda Registrasi (STR) dari Konsil Kedokteran Indonesia, Sertifikat Hiperkes dan Keselamatan Kerja

3.Bagian Keselamatan dan Keamanan

Pendidikan dan persyaratan khusus :
a. Membutuhkan 1 (satu) orang S1 Teknik Lingkungan Program Studi Sipil Lingkungan, Teknik Lingkungan, dengan persyaratan Khusus memiliki sertifikat pelatihan kompetensi penyusunan Dokumen Amdal, mempunyai pengalaman kerja sebagai ketua / anggota penyusunan dokumen AMDAL minimal 1 tahun
b. Membutuhkan 1 (satu) orang S1 Teknik Industri dengan persyaratan khusus memiliki sertifikat pelatihan Auditor K3, mempunyai pengalaman kerja di dunia industri yang berkaitan dengan keselamatan kerja minimal 1 tahun
c. Membutuhkan 1 (satu) orang S1 Psikologi Program Studi Psikologi Industri dengan persyaratan khusus memiliki Sertifikat Pelatihan Assesor, mempunyai pengalaman kerja di dunia industri yang berkaitan dengan safety minimal 1 tahun
d. Membutuhkan 1 (satu) orang S1 Kesehatan masyarakat Program studi Kesehatan Lingkungan dengan persyaratan khusus memiliki sertifikat pelatihan dengan latar belakang D3 Hyperkes, mempunyai pengalaman kerja di dunia indudtri yang berkaitan dengan kesehatan lingkungan minimal 1 tahun

4. Bagian Sistem Informasi
a. Pendidikan serendah-rendahnya D3 jurusan Informatika atau S1 semua
jurusan yang memiliki keahlian dalam bidang Informatika Persyaratan Keahlian Khusus sebagai berikut :

1. Networking Jaringan membutuhkan 2 (dua) orang dengan persyaratan khusus diutamakan memiliki sertifikasi Cisco, pengalaman kerja di bidang IT/Networking minimal 4 tahun, pengalaman dibidang media Networking protocol, enkripsi, firewal, router, hub switch, MPLS atau design jaringan
2. ERP/SAP membutuhkan 2 (dua) orang dengan persyaratan khusus diutamakan yang memiliki SAP Sertificate, memiliki keahlian di Basis, ABAPer dan functional, pengalaman kerja di IT Industri minimal 2 tahun, pengalaman implementasi SOA dengan Netweaver atau Oracle Weblogic, mempunyai pengetahuan tentang bisnis proses suatu organisasi
3. Programmer dan Database Administrator membutuhkan 1 (satu) orang dengan persyaratan khusus menguasai bahasa pemrograman C++, C#, Java, PHP, ASP, JSP, AJAX atau Visual Studio, memiliki pengetahuan tentang Database : Oracle, MySQL dan SQL Server, memiliki pengalaman sebagai programmer (web programer/programing aplikasi) minimal 4 tahun, memiliki kemampuan Object Oriented Analysis, menguasai ERP, SQL dan Desain Database, menguasai RDBMS beserta tools yang ada, menguasai Teknologi Server, Storage, Operating System yang terkait dengan implementasi database

5. Bagian Keuangan
a. Membutuhkan 8 orang untuk di tempatkan sebagai berikut :

Kantor Pusat 1 orang
Wilayah Sumatera Utara dan Sumatera Barat 1 orang
Wilayah Sumatera Selatan 1 orang
Wilayah Jakarta 1 orang
Wilayah Bandung 1 orang
Wilayah Cirebon, Semarang, Purwokerto 1 orang
Wilayah Yogyakarta dan Madiun 1 orang
Wilayah Surabaya dan Jember 1 orang
b. Pendidikan sekurang-kurangnya D3 Administrasi Perpajakan dengan persyaratan memiliki sertifikat pelatihan Brevet A & B, C, berpengalaman dibidang perpajakan sekurang-kurangnya 2 tahun , mampu menyusun laporan keuangan fiskal, membuat SPT Masa dan Tahunan, memiliki pengetahuan peraturan perpajakan dengan baik, mampu menganalisa dan memecahkan permasalahan perpajakan

Tahapan seleksi terdiri dari :
a. Tahap I Seleksi Administrasi
b. Tahap II Wawancara umum
c. Tahap III Tes Psikologi
d. Tahap IV Tes Kesehatan
e Tahap V Wawancara Akhir Penetapan Kelulusan
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PT Surya Alam Tunggal

PT Surya Alam Tunggal
Industry: Consulting
Contact person: HRD
Company Web site: http://www.pt-sat.com

Job title: Entry Level
Job function: IT/MIS, Programmer
Job position: EDP (Edit Data Processing/IT)
Work location: Surabaya
Level of education: High School
Major: Engineering, Electrical
Information Technology
Work experience: Not required
Offering salary: Not specified

- Pria, usia maksimal 35 tahun
- Pendidikan minimal D3/STM dari jurusan Informatika atau Elektronika
- Mempunyai pengalaman kerja minimal 1 tahun
- Fresh Graduate akan dipertimbangkan
- 5 orang IT untuk hardware dan software
- Penempatan di Jl. Sulawesi 48, Surabaya

Kirimkan lamaran lengkap dengan CV dan pas
foto terbaru ke:


Closing date: 08 March 2011
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PT Barelang Konsultindo Mandiri (BKM)

Job title: Entry Level
Job function: IT / MIS, Programmer
Job position: Freelance Programmer (Freelance Web Programmer (Code: WPF) / Desktop Freelance Programmer (Code: DPF))
Work location: Batam
Level of education: Associate Degree
Major: Computer Science
Engineering, Computer
Information Technology
Work experience: Not required
Offering salary: Not specified

Freelance Web Programmer (WPF):
- Mastering the programming language PHP / Javascript
- Understand the OOP programming
- Mastering the Flex Builder (a value-added)
- Mastering SQL Server / MySQL / PostgreSQL
- Mastering the making of the report into pdf format

Desktop Programmer Freelance (DPF):
- Mastering the programming language VB.06/.NET
- Understand the OOP programming
- Mastering SQL Server / MySQL / PostgreSQL
- Mastering Crystal Report
Job description: - Freelance Web Programmer (WPF) is responsible in developing the module web-based software application
- Desktop Programmer Freelance (DPF) is responsible for developing a module-based desktop software application

Mechanism of Work:
The mechanism is that you will work as an application module in accordance with the design of systems that have been made previously. Similarly, for the payment system, you get paid for each module that has been completed, details will be further on the collective labor agreement

If you are interested, please send your CV to email:


Closing date: 04 March 2011
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PT Arpeni Pratama Ocean Line Tbk

PT Arpeni Pratama Ocean Line Tbk
Industry: Shipping
Contact person: HRD
Company Web site: http://www.apol.co.id

Company description:
We are a national shipping company founded since 1975, which provide ship management services around the world. The company has obtain ISO 9001 : 2000 and ISM Code, and also member of International Maritime Organization (IMO). Several branches are spreading in most of Indonesian big cities.

Job title: Entry Level
Job function: IT/MIS, Programmer
Job position: IT Staff
Work location: Jakarta
Level of education: Associate Degree
Major: Any
Work experience: At least 1 year
Offering salary: Not specified

- Male/female, age maximum 27 years old
- Education minimum D3 degree from reputable university
- Have 1 year experience in the same position is prefer
- Good knowledge in SQL, C+ and visual foxpro
- Good in handling operation such as windows 2008 server, citrix server, exchange server, proxy server, sophos
- Good in English both oral and written
- Able to work individually and team work
- Fast learner, helpful and responsible

Closing date: 14 March 2011
Read More... LoKer Hari InI: 2011

PT WOM Finance Tbk

PT WOM Finance Tbk
Industry: Financials/Banking
Contact person: Bella Ingra
Company Web site: http://www.wom.co.id

Job title: Senior Staff
Job function:IT/MIS, Network Engineer
Job position:IT Network
Work location:Bekasi
Level of education: Bachelor's Degree
Major: Information Technology
Work experience: At least 2 years
Offering salary: Not specified

- Having experience min. 2 years in the same position
- Preferably having a CCNA certificate

Closing date: 10 March 2011
Read More... LoKer Hari InI: 2011

PT Trikomsel Oke, Tbk

Job title: Entry Level
Job function: IT/MIS, Administrator
Job position: IT Help Desk
Work location: Jakarta
Level of education: Associate Degree
Major: Computer Science
Engineering, Computer
Information Technology
Work experience: Not required
Offering salary: Not specified

- Male, age max. 28 years old
- D3 degree major in computer from reputable university
- Strong analytical thinking and problem solving
- Strong interpersonal and communication skill
- Have a good knowledge about basic computer hardware
- Able to work in shift

If you willing to take this challenge, please send your full resume, CV, 4X6 recent color photograph and contact number not more than 2 (two) weeks after this advertisement to:


Closing date: 08 March 2011
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PT Indomobil Finance Indonesia

Job title: Entry Level
Job function: IT/MIS, Administrator
Job position: IT Helpdesk Head/Staf(HHD/HD)
Work location: Jakarta
Level of education: Bachelor's Degree
Business Administration (Management)
Information Technology
Work experience: Not required
Offering salary: Not specified

- Male/female, age max. 25 years old
- Education min. Bachelor Degree (S1) in Information Management or Accounting with min. GPA is 3.00 (on 4.00 scale)
- Having knowledge and experience of LAN/WAN, PC and peripheral troubleshooting would be an advantage
- Having knowledge of Ms. Office (Word, Excel, Power Point) would be an advantage
- Fast learner and eager to help people
- User satisfaction oriented
- Have good interpersonal relationship
- Willing to work in a team

Please send a current CV and most recent photograph email to:


Closing date: 07 March 2011
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PT ITC Auto Multifinance

Job title: Beginner
Work function: Administration
Position: Cashier
Work location: Jakarta
Educational background: Diploma
Major: Accounting
Work experience: At least 1 year
Salary offered: Unspecified

Requirements: - Female, age maximum 27 years
- Education D3 of Economics majoring with GPA min. 2,85
- Able interesting
- Sufficiency, thorough, honest
- Minimum 1 year as a Teller
- Preference will be given applicants domiciled in South Jakarta area
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PT Asuransi Sinar Mas

* Male / Female
* Maximum age 25 years
* Minimal S-1 Psychology
* Have at least 1 year experience
* Able to operate computer (MS - Office)
* Having a good personality and high integrity
* Able to speak English both verbally and in writing

Send the application and attach their curriculum vitae with passport photo size of 4x6 to the following address by writing code to the desired position on the top left corner of the envelope:

PT Asuransi Sinar Mas
Wisma Asuransi Sinar Mas
Jl. H. Fachrudin No.18, Central Jakarta, 10 250
Email: recruit@sinarmas.co.id
Read More... LoKer Hari InI: 2011

PT Panin Bank KCU Kopi

Job title: Manager, Branch/Regional
Job function:Banking Operations
Job position: Sub Branch Manager (SBM)
Work location: Jakarta
Level of education: Bachelor's Degree
Major: Any
Work experience: At least 2 years
Offering salary: Not specified

- Male/female, age max. 40 years old
- Education S1/S2 from any reputable university
- Have min. 2 years experience in banking industry as Sub Branch Manager & has customer base
- Ability to speak foreign language (English or Mandarin)
- Have a good analytical thinking and problem solving skills
- Have a strong marketing, strong leadership & excellent interpersonal relationship skill
Have The ability to undertake heavy workload (responsible in achieving sub branch target, maintain service quality and operation of the sub branch)

All of the candidate have to choose which area that you prefer to be placed. These area are:

Jakarta Pusat (JP)
Jakarta Utara (JU)
Jakarta Barat (JB)

*Please state the POSITION and LOCATION code on the top left on your resume/CV.

Closing date: 01 March 2011
Read More... LoKer Hari InI: 2011


In order to meet the needs of human resources in the working area of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia III (Persero), we invite a professional candidate who likes challenges and to develop, to join part of our clients.


1. Procedure D3/D4 Port / Sea Transport and Port Management (P-1)
Minimal ANT III (P-2)


1. D3 Mechanical Engineering (P-3)
2. D3 Electrical Engineering / Electrical (P-4)
3. D3 in Civil Engineering (P-5)
4. S1 Environmental Engineering (P-6)
5. S1 Ship Engineering (P-7)
6. D3 Mechanical Engineering Ship (P-8)


1. Minimum S1 in Marketing Management (P-9)
2. Minimal S1 Financial Management (P-10)
3. Minimal S1 Development Studies (P-11)
4. S1 Management (P-12)


1. S1 Accounting (beregister Accountant) (P-13)
2. S1 Accounting (P-14)
3. D3 Accounting (P-15)
4. D3 Taxation (P-16)


1. Statistics S1 (P-17)
2. Statistics D3 (P-18)
3. S1 Computer (P-19)
4. D3 Computer (P-20)

IMPLEMENTING THE FIELD corporate secretariat

1. Minimal D3 English Literature (P-21)
2. S1 Communications (P-22)
3. Minimal D3 Library (P-23)
4. S1 International Relations (P-24)
5. Minimal D3 PR / Public Relations (P-25)
6. D3 Secretary (Secretary of the Board of Directors) (P-26)


1. Minimal S1 Psychology (P-27)
S2 Human Resource Management (P-28)

IMPLEMENTING archive field

1. Minimum Filing D3 (P-29)


1. Minimum S1 Law Studies (P-30)

General Requirements:

1. Indonesian Citizen (WNI).
2. Age as of 1 November 2010, a maximum of 30 years for S2, 28 years for S1 and 26 years for D III
3. Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 2.80 from a scale of 4.
4. Able to speak English and operate a minimum of Microsoft Office computer.
5. Police Notes Certificate (SKCK) is still valid.
6. Physically and mentally healthy and not color blind.
7. Preferably with experience.
8. Making a Statement on stamp duty of Rp. 6000, - which contains the following:

* Not to use and will not use the drug (narcotics, psychotropic and addictive substances).

* No status as husband or wife employee of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia III (Persero).
* Able to be placed in the area of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia III (Persero) for the applicants passed the selection / employee.
* Willing to resign and to recover the costs that have been issued by the company when married to employees of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia III (Persero).
* It's never not honorably discharged from government and private agencies.
* Able to keep corporate secrets.
* Willing to undergo Service Association for 10 years after he was appointed as Officer of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia III (Persero).
* Willing to reimburse the company has spent Rp. 15.000.000, - (fifteen million rupiah) if resigned after being declared passed until the last stage of selection.
Read More... LoKer Hari InI: 2011


PT Summit Oto Finance

Field Collector (FC) - Tegal
Central Java - Tegal

Sumitomo Corporation is an integrated Japanese trading company (Sogo shosha). As a major shareholder, Sumitomo Corporation, provides support and control all aspects of business from management, treasury, finance to operations. With the support of Sumitomo Corporation, in the last five years Summit Oto Finance has managed to grow and improve motor finance and has a network of offices spread all over Indonesia

-Perform billing and maintain relationships with customers.

- Men,
- Senior High, D 3, S1, max. (S1 26 th) (D3 23th)(S.high 21 th)
- Dynamic communicative
- have a motorcycle and SIM C
- liked the field work

Ruko Gajah Mada Building Blok J,K No 99
Jl. Gajah Mada Semarang


Jl DR Sutomo No 54 B
Klitren, Gondokusuman

Atau Via Email ke Alamat :

Closing Date: 11-3-11
Read More... LoKer Hari InI: 2011

PT Permata Indo Sejahtera

Funding Officer

As a provider of recruitment services, Permata Indonesia to help the Bank in terms of labor supply, especially in terms of candidate search and selection early.Permata Indonesia is also providing training and mentoring programs for workers who are placed in the bank. Currently we are working together with 18 Banks in Indonesia, both foreign banks, local and state banks.

IDR 1600000 to 7000000
(Bali, Banten, Jakarta Raya, Jambi, West Java, Central Java, East Java, Central Kalimantan, South Sulawesi, West Sumatra, South Sumatra, North Sumatra, Yogyakarta)

- Dealing with and responsible for the development and improvement of a New Account
- Communicate and inform the Banking products and product knowledge of his
- handle new customers and prospective customers

- Min Diploma graduates majoring in Business Studies / Administration / Management, Economics, Marketing, Finance / Accountancy / Banking, Commerce or equivalent.
- Fresh graduates are encouraged to apply.
- Full-Time and Contract position available.
- neat and attractive appearance
- Able to communicate well
- Willingness to learn and grow
- Experience in sales (preferred)

Submit your CV and application accompanied latest photographs to: saichu@permataindonesia.com
Read More... LoKer Hari InI: 2011

PT. Asuransi Sinar Mas

HR Staff (HR)

one of the largest insurance companies in Indonesia offers a challenging career, with positions:
HR Staff (HR)
(Aceh, Bali, Bengkulu, Papua, Jakarta Raya, Jambi, West Java, Central Java, East Java, West Kalimantan, South Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan, East Kalimantan, Lampung, Maluku, West Nusa Tenggara, East Nusa Tenggara, Riau, Sulawesi South, Central Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi, North Sulawesi, West Sumatra, South Sumatra, North Sumatra, Yogyakarta, Bangka Belitung, Banten, Gorontalo, North Maluku)

- Male / Female
- Maximum age 25 years
- Minimal S-1 Psychology
- Have at least 1 year experience
- Able to operate computer (MS - Office)
- Having a good personality and high integrity
- Able to speak English both verbally and in writing

Send the application and attach their curriculum vitae with passport photo size of 4x6 to the following address by writing code to the desired position on the top left corner of the envelope:

PT Asuransi Sinar Mas
Wisma Asuransi Sinar Mas
Jl. H. Fachrudin No.18, Central Jakarta, 10 250
Email: recruit@sinarmas.co.id
Read More... LoKer Hari InI: 2011

PT Phapros Tbk

HR Assistant Manager
(Jawa Tengah - Semarang)

-Female/Male Age : ≤ 30 years old
-Bachelor degree from Psychology/HR Management or equivalent with min. GPA 3.00 (Master degree in Human Resource is an advantage)
-Minimum 2 years experience in the same position in manufacturing industries.
-Have a good knowledge of organization systems and processes
-Knowledgeable of KPI (Key Performance Indicator) and Career Path.
-Having in-depth knowledge of Recruitment Process, Man Power Regulation, Organizational Development, Training activity, Performance Appraisal, Compensation & Benefit, and Human Resource Information System (HRIS)
-Having excellent communication and interpersonal skills
-Excellent Computer skill, proficient in English both oral and written
-Able to work under pressure, mature, active, hardworking, and self-motivated.

Please send your application, CV and recent photograph not later than February 19th, 2011to:

HRD Department PT Phapros Tbk
Po Box 1233 SMG - 50148
Email: suandi@ptphapros.co.id
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PT Acinti Prima

We are one of the leading manufacture & retail company

Job title: Manager, Branch/Regional
Job function: Brand/Product Management
Job position: Branch/Product Manager
Work location: Yogyakarta
Level of education: Bachelor's Degree
Major: Any
Work experience: At least 2 years
Offering salary: Not specified

- Male/female, age max. 40 years old
- Education Bachelor degree from reputable University with relevant subject
- Have previous proven track record as Branch or Product Manager min 2 years (preferably in Food & Beverage company)
- Effective communication skills in English & presentation skill
- Having knowledge of sales technique, customer intimacy, strong business sense, high integrity, good leadership, good interpersonal skill, able to motivate sales team & handle operation distribution
- Familiar with pressure of high target, proactive, adaptive, mature, self starter, team player & hard worker
- Based in Jakarta, Bandung, Yogyakarta, Surabaya & Bali
Please send a comprehensive resume & recent photograph within 2 weeks to:

PO BOX 6933 Jat.PK.JKT 13069

Or email to:

Closing date: 18 February 2011
Read More... LoKer Hari InI: 2011

PT Patra Niaga

Job title: Entry Level
Job function: Administration
Job position: administrasi
Work location: Semarang
Level of education:     Associate Degree
Major:     Business Administration (Finance)
    Business Administration (Management)
Work experience: At least 1 year
Offering salary: Not specified

-Integritas tinggi
-Dapat di percaya
-Mempunyai Prinsip, ulet dan pekerja Keras
-Usia Maksimal 28 Tahun .
-IPK min 2,75 ( Universitas swasta ) 2,5 ( Universitas Negeri )
-Menuasai Bahasa Inggris
-Menguasai Komputer dan Office
-Suka tantangan
-S1 / D3 Jurusan : Administrasi , management , , ekonomi. Komunikasi,   Public relation.

Job description:
-Membuat laporan kegiatan pemasaran dan Penjulan.
-Merekap file data-data penjualan.
Administrasi data transaksi penjulaan

Closing date:     10 March 2011
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Broadlink Communications

Job title: Supervisor Manager, Department
Job function: Engineer, Computer
Job position: Technical Support Manager (Manager/Supervisor)
Work location: Semarang
Level of education: High School
Major: Computer Science
Engineering, Computer
Engineering, Electrical
Engineering, Telecommunication
Information Technology
Work experience: At least 3 years
Offering salary: Not specified

Posisi pekerjaan sistem FULL TIME untuk penempatan di JAKARTA, BANDUNG, SEMARANG , YOGYAKARTA, SURABAYA.

Kualifikasi dan tanggung jawab adalah sebagai berikut:
- Pria
- Pendidikan SMK/D3/S1 dengan latar belakang pendidikan Teknik Computer dan Jaringan/Ilmu Computer/Elektro/Teknikal/Telekomunikasi/Informatika (Pelamar diutamakan yang memiliki latar belakang jurusan Teknik Computer dan Jaringan)
- Posisi Technical Support Manager adalah untuk MANAGER LEVEL/SUPERVISOR LEVEL dengan maksimum pengalaman kerja minimal 3 Tahun
- Wajib menguasai dan memahami MIKROTIK
- Menguasai aplikasi TCP/IP, Networking (LAN/WAN), konsep Routing dan Cabling System
- Menguasai aplikasi OS Windows/Linux/Free BSD
- Menguasai konsep wireless networking, termasuk instalasi Wireless Mikrotik
- Menguasai konsep Internet Sharing, Tunneling, Konsep Server, Monitoring Bandwidth & Jaringan, Trouble Shoot, Instalasi Program
- Tidak bermasalah dengan suasana kerja kombinasi di kantor dan di lapangan dengan jam waktu pekerjaan memungkinkan harus dilakukan pada hari libur
- Memiliki kepribadian yang ramah untuk bekerjasama di internal team dan memberikan pelayanan terbaik kepada customer
- Memiliki kemampuan penanganan mental dan emosi berkaitan dengan suasana pressure yang tinggi
- Pengalaman kerja di Internet Service Provider–ISP, RTRWNet, Warnet, IT Division, Computer, IT Solution, dsb.
- Memiliki pengalaman handling customer corporate, government dan retail customer
- Bagi yang diterima tersedia kompensasi yang menarik, Gaji Pokok, Tunjangan, Bonus, Asuransi, dengan kesempatan karir yang terbuka untuk menjadi leader di masa depan

Silahkan segera kirim CV ke BroadLink ditujukan kepada Boyke Priutama disertai foto terbaru dan no telepon ke:


Info lengkap kunjungi website kami di:

Closing date:  21 February 2011
Read More... LoKer Hari InI: 2011

PT Magna Finance

Job title: Entry Level
Job function: Sales and Marketing
Job position: Surveyor/Marketing Officer (Code: SMO)
Work location:  Java, Central
Level of education: Associate Degree
Major:  Any
Work experience: Not required
Offering salary: Not specified

- Usia maksimal 28 tahun
- Pendidikan min. D3/S1 dengan IP minimal 2,75
- Bagi fresh graduate akan diberikan pelatihan
- Diutamakan yang mempunyai hubungan baik dengan dealer/showroom mobil
- Mampu bekerja dalam tekanan dan mencapai target
- Memiliki kendaraan sendiri dan SIM C
- Ditempatkan di seluruh Kantor Cabang
- Bisa mengoperasikan komputer (minimal Excel dan Word)
- Mempunyai etos kerja, semangat yang tinggi, jujur, teliti dan memiliki perilaku positif
- Bersedia mengikuti pelatihan

Bagi yang tidak masuk kualifikasi diatas harap jangan mengajukan lamaran. Surat lamaran disertai CV, pas foto 4x6 & mencantumkan kode lamaran dikiri atas amplop, lamaran dialamatkan ke:

PO BOX 1177 JKT 14011

Atau email ke:

Closing date:     21 February 2011
Read More... LoKer Hari InI: 2011

PT Samafitro

Job title: Entry Level
Job function: Sales and Marketing
Job position: Business Solution Officer (BSO)
Work location: Yogyakarta
Level of education: Associate Degree
Major: Information Technology
Work experience: At least 1 year
Offering salary: Not specified

- Pria/wanita, usia maksimal 35 tahun
- Pendidikan D3/S1, lebih disukai yang memiliki latar belakang pendidikan berbasis Teknologi Informasi/IT
- Berpengalaman dibidang penjualan minimal 1 tahun
- Fresh Graduate dipersilahkan melamar
- Menguasai bahasa Inggris secara aktif
- Berpenampilan menarik, komunikatif, persuasif, menyukai tantangan, bertekad kuat, mempunyai networking yang luas
- Memiliki kendaraan dan SIM
- Penempatan di Jakarta, Cilegon, Bandung, Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Pekanbaru

Peminat segera mengirimkan Surat lamaran, CV dan Dokumen Pendukung lainnya ke:

Dept HRD PT Samafitro
Up. Ibu Siska
Jl. Ir. H Juanda No. 8
Jakarta Pusat 10120

Atau e-mail ke:

*Cantumkan kode posisi di subjek email.

Closing date: 01 March 2011
Read More... LoKer Hari InI: 2011


PT John Clements Consultants Indonesia

John Clements Consultant established in 1974 and pioneered the staffing service in the country. With 30 years experience in Management Consultancy, Recruitment and Placement, Psychological Assesment, Service Contracting Management (Outsourcing) and Staff Augmentation (Local and International Market), it presence not only in the Philippines but also in the Middle East, East Pacific Region, Indonesia and the US.

 Job title: Beginner
Work function: Operational Management
Position: Airlines Technical Data Analyst
Work location: Jakarta
Educational background: Sarjana/S1
Major: Aviation Engineering
Work experience: Not required
Salary offered: Unspecified

- Bachelor degree in Engineering from reputable university
- Excellent PC and Microsoft Office computer skills, with focus on Excel spreadsheet proficiency
- Experience with airline operations preferred
- Fluent in Bahasa Indonesia
- Confident communicator is personally and by telephone-in local language proficiency preferred
- demonstrated ability to establish good customer relations
- willing to be placed in Cengkareng

Additional Screening Criteria:
- Quality Systems, Six Sigma training preferred
- Experience with Jet Engine operations
Job description: 
- Airline data collection, input and management for assigned customers
- Maintain established contact with customers to assess their frequency climate customers, collect data and to Provide inputs to a field service engineer on account status
- Manage administrative tasks in a small field office Including filing, managing suppliers, invoices and arranging meetings
- FSE Assist in other duties required to run such a small field office
- May require travel to support ancillary sites in the Same City

Closing date: February 28, 2011
Read More... LoKer Hari InI: 2011

Sinar Baja Electric

Job title: Beginner
Functions of work: Manufacturing and Production
Position: Production Planning Staff
Work location: Surabaya
Educational background: Sarjana/S1
Major: Business Administration (Management)
Industrial Engineering
Work experience: Not required
Salary offered: Unspecified

- Male / female, maximum age 30 years
- Min. GPA 2.75
- Preferably have experience in the same field
- Can lead subordinates, active, dynamic, thorough, decisive, honest, responsible, high loyalty and can work under pressure

Job description: 
- Create a production plan
- Monitor and follow production

Closing date: February 28, 2011
Read More... LoKer Hari InI: 2011

PT Anugrah Argon Medica

Job title: Supervisor
Job function: Pharmacist
Job position: Kepala Seksi Logistik
Work location: Surabaya
Level of education: Bachelor's Degree
Major: Pharmacy
Work experience: Not required
Offering salary: Not specified

- Apoteker
- Usia maks. 28 tahun
- Memiliki Leadership
- Menyukai pekerjaan yang detail
- Memiliki komunikasi yang baik
- Bersedia menjalani ikatan dinas dan ditempatkan di seluruh Indonesia

Closing date: 28 February 2011
Read More... LoKer Hari InI: 2011

PT Hosana Mulia

Premiun gift dan Corporate gift
Job title: Entry Level
Job function: Art/Design
Job position: Design Graphic
Work location: Jakarta
Level of education: Associate Degree
Major: Any
Work experience: Not required
Offering salary: Not specified

- Pria/wanita, usia maks. 28 tahun
- Menguasai freehand, photoshop dan corel draw
- Dapat bekerja dalam team

Kirimkan CV anda ke:

Jl. Raya Jatiwaringin
(Kompleks Ruko Graha Indah Giant hypermart)
Blk. E No. 9
Pondok Gede, 17411

Atau email ke:

Closing date: 07 March 2011
Read More... LoKer Hari InI: 2011

PT Alih Daya Indonesia

Outsourcing services; recruitment services; academy; Consulting & Survey Management.
Job title: Supervisor
Job function: Telemarketing
Job position: Supervisor
Work location: Tangerang
Level of education: Associate Degree
Major: Any
Work experience: Not required
Offering salary: Not specified

- Pria/wanita, usia antara 20-30 tahun
- Pendidikan min. D3
- Diutamakan memiliki pengalaman dibidang yang sama
- Komunikatif
- Inisiatif
- Bersedia bekerja dengan target
- Berpenampilan menarik
- Rapi
- Bersedia membawa team
- Pernah mempunyai team
- Penempatan di wilayah Legok Tangerang, Pal Merah dan Kebon Jeruk

Job description:
- Memonitoring target team
- Memanage team

Walk in Interview di Legok (Senin-Jum'at, 10.00 WIB):

Kantor STO Telkom
Jl. Legok Raya No. 98

Contact Person incharge Pihak Telkomvision Bpk.Sopian (021-71087356)
Lokasi sebelah Perumahan Dasanah Indah Bojong Nangka
Angkutan Microlet 06A/06 dari Islamic center

Walk in Interview di Kebon Jeruk (Senin-Jum'at, 10.00 WIB):

Ruko Arjuna Square
Jl. Arjuna Utara No. 7 D
Duri Kepa Kebon Jeruk Jakarta Barat
Lokasi Samping Univ. Esa Unggul

Contact Person incharge Bpk. Budi Utomo (021-56951399)

Membawa CV dan Lamaran Lengkap.

Closing date: 10 March 2011
Read More... LoKer Hari InI: 2011

PT Ferron Par Pharmaceutical

PT Ferron Par Pharmaceuticals (Ferron) is a part of Dexa Medica, one of the country's major pharmaceutical enterprises with a strong commitment to the pharmaceuticals business.
Job title:  Entry Level
Job function:  Sales and Marketing
Job position:  Medical Representative
Work location:  Solo
Level of education:  Associate Degree
Major:  Any
Work experience:  Not required
Offering salary:   Not specified

- D3/S1 jurusan Eksakta dan Service 
(Farmasi/Apoteker, Kedokteran, Keperawatan/Kebidanan, Perhotelan, Komunikasi, Public Relation, MIPA, Teknik)
- S1 jurusan Sosial (Ekonomi, Akuntansi, Perbankan, Manajemen Pemasaran – D3 Manajemen Pemasaran)
- D3 jurusan Sosial (min. Pengalaman 1 tahun sebagai MR)
- SMK/SMA/SMF (min. pengalaman 2 tahun sebagai MR)
- Usia maksimal 31 tahun

Kualifikasi umum:
- Menyukai tantangan dan tidak mudah menyerah
- Tertarik dengan bidang pemasaran
- Memiliki SIM C dan memiliki/mampu mengusahakan motor 

Job description:  
-  Medical Representative adalah duta perusahaan yang bertugas memperkenalkan produk kepada mitra farmasi (Rumah Sakit, Apotek dan Dokter) yang ditunjuk oleh perusahaan.

Closing date:     31 March 2011
Read More... LoKer Hari InI: 2011

LoKer Hari InI: Samator Group

LoKer Hari InI: Samator Group: "Oil & GasJob title: Entry Level Supervisor Senior Staff Job function: Accounting, Finance Job position: Accounting Staff Work location..." Read More... LoKer Hari InI: 2011

Samator Group

Oil & Gas
Job title: Entry Level
Senior Staff
Job function: Accounting, Finance
Job position: Accounting Staff
Work location: Java, Central
Level of education: Bachelor's Degree
Major: Accounting
Work experience: At least 1 year
Offering salary: Not specified

- Male/Female
- Pendidikan min. S1 dari jurusan Akuntansi dengan IPK min. 2,75
- Mempunyai pengalaman dibidangnya min. 1 tahun
- Mampu membuat jurnal akuntansi sederhana
- Penempatan di Jakarta, Bekasi, Jawa Tengah, Jawa Timur & Banjarmasin

Closing date: 22 February 2011
Read More... LoKer Hari InI: 2011


D’Batoe Boutique Hotel Bandung

D’Batoe Boutique Hotel Bandung (Member of Guci Group)
is urgently seeking for qualified candidates for:
1. Roomboy
2. Bell Boy
3. Waiter
4. Waitres

Qualifikasi :
• male, single, max 23 years old of age (1, 2 & 3)
• Female, single, max 23 years old of age (4)
• Min. SMK Hospitality/Tourism/Hotel Management or equivalent (1, 2, 3 & 4)
• Has at least 1 yrs working experience in the same position (1, 2, 3 & 4)
• Able to work under pressure& Highly motivated (1, 2, 3 & 4)
• Hard work, energetic, and talented (1, 2, 3 & 4)
• Hold relevant residence status (Bandung) (1, 2, 3 & 4)

Please address your interest by sending your recent photograph and CV to:
Human Resources Department
d’Batoe Boutique Hotel
Jl. Pasirkaliki No. 78, Bandung 40171
or email : hrd@dbatoe-hotel.com
Read More... LoKer Hari InI: 2011

PT Asuransi Adira Dinamika

PT Asuransi Adira Dinamika

Job title: Entry Level Senior Staff
Job function: Actuary
Job position: Underwriter Financial & Casualty
Work location: Jakarta
Level of education: Associate Degree
Major: Any
Work experience: At least 5 years
Offering salary: Not specified
- Sertifikasi untuk membaca laporan keuangan
- Pendidikan min. D3 dari jurusan Asuransi
- Mempunyai A3IK certified
- Diutamakan yang memiliki pengalaman min. 5 tahun sebagai Credit Analyst

Job description:  
- Melakukan analisa kelayakan credit (landing)
- Biasa melihat laporan keuangan & melihat kelayakan prospek bisnis
- Mengerti aspek resiko bisnis
- Melakukan analisa risiko akseptasi produk Financial & Casualty untuk menentukan kelayakan penerimaan risiko.
- Melakukan project development terkait lingkup pekerjaan yang dilakukan untuk meningkatkan efektifitas dan efisiensi pekerjaan yang dilakukan
- Memonitor proses underwriting Financial & Casualty dan membantu menyelesaikan masalah-masalah underwriting yang terjadi di kantor regional agar proses underwriting di regional dapat tetap berjalan dengan lancer
- Melakukan reporting mengenai data financial & casualty untuk memberikan informasi terkait aktivitas underwriting

Closing date:    09 February 2011
Read More... LoKer Hari InI: 2011


PT Bank Commonwealth

A joint venture Bank (99% Shares owned by Commonwealth Bank of Australia)

Job title: Chief
Job function: Banking Operations
Job position: Head of AML/CTF
Work location: Jakarta
Level of education: Bachelor's Degree
Major: Any
Work experience: At least 3 years
Offering salary: Not specified

- Minimum Bachelor Degree majoring in any discipline from reputable   university with GPA min. 3.00
- Having experience at least 5 years in banking industry and 3 years at   supervisory level
- Having knowledge in Compliance, Legal or Audit in banking industry
- Able to work well under tight deadline
- Excellent communication and interpersonal skill
- PC literate, high integrity, risk focus and attention to detail
- Proficient in written and spoken English

Please send comprehensive resume along with contact telephone number and recent photograph to:


Please put Code: HAML on your subject email.
Closing date for applications: 6 February 2011.

All applicants will be treated in strict confidence.
Only short-listed candidates will be notified.

Closing date:     6 February 2011
Read More... LoKer Hari InI: 2011

PT Bank Danamon Indonesia, Tbk.

Job title: Entry Level
Job function: Marketing (Non-Technical)
Job position: Marketing Funding-Personal Banking Officer (Code: PBO)
Work location: Tegal
Level of education:  Bachelor's Degree
Major: Any
Work experience: At least 1 year
Offering salary:  Not specified

- Pendidikan S1 dari universitas terkemuka dengan IPK minimal 2,75
- Memiliki pengalaman 1 tahun dibidang marketing produk-produk keuangan
- Memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi yang baik dalam bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris baik lisan maupun 
- Berorientasi pada target dan kepuasaan nasabah
- Komunikatif dan persuasif, mampu menampilkan presentasi yang menarik
- Memiliki kemampuan analisa yang baik
- Cepat beradaptasi
- Penempatan di Pemalang, Batang, Pekalongan dan Tegal

Kirimkan surat lamaran & CV lengkap anda ke:

Closing date: 07 February 2011
Read More... LoKer Hari InI: 2011

PT BCA Finance

Job title: Entry Level
Job function: Marketing (Non-Technical)
Job position: Marketing Staff
Work location: Semarang
Level of education: Associate Degree
Major:  Any
Work experience:  At least 1 year
Offering salary:  Not specified

- Male/Female, usia maks. 27 tahun
- min. Diploma III All Major GPA. 2,75
- Fresh graduate atau memiliki pengalaman kerja
- Memiliki SIM C dan sepeda motor
- Penempatan untuk cabang kita di wilayah Tegal, Semarang, Yogyakarta, Solo dan Purwokerto

Job description:
Memenuhi target penjualan yang telah ditetapkan oleh perusahaan dan menjaga hubungan baik dengan pihak dealer-dealer otomotif atau account executive BCA.

Closing date:     15 February 2011
Read More... LoKer Hari InI: 2011

PT BII Finance

Job title: Entry Level
Job function: Internal Audit
Job position: Internal Control Unit (ICU)
Work location: Java, Central
Level of education: Bachelor's Degree
Major:  Accounting
Work experience: At least 1 year
Offering salary: Not specified

- Male, usia maksimal 28 tahun
- S1 Accounting GPA 3,00
- Experience 1 year: Audit/Internal Control/KAP
- Good Looking, dapat berkomunikasi dengan baik, bertanggung jawab, teliti,
  mempunyai inisiatif dan   motivasi kerja yang tinggi
- Dapat bekerja menggunakan komputer (Word, Excel dan Power Point)
- Penempatan untuk di cabang perusahaan Jabodetabek, Jawa tengah, kalimantan (Samarinda) dan Surabaya
Job description:
- Melakukan pemeriksaan operasional cabang
- Melakukan audit compliance dan survey
- Melakukan verifikasi dokumen

SILAHKAN MASUKKAN SURAT LAMARAN ANDA DI BOOTH KAMI ATAU KIRIMKAN SEGERA lamaran lengkap anda dengan CV, fotocopy ijazah pendidikan terakhir, transkrip nilai, nomor telepon dan pasfoto terakhir, dengan mencantumkan kode jabatan di sudut kiri amplop ke:

Wisma Eka Jiwa Lantai 10
Jl. Mangga Dua Raya

Atau email ke:

Closing date:     14 February 2011

Read More... LoKer Hari InI: 2011


Property Marketing
Job title: Entry Level
Job function: Marketing (Non-Technical)
Job position: Marketing Executive
Work location: Semarang
Level of education: High School
Major:     Any
Work experience: Not required
Offering salary: Not specified

- Pria/wanita, usia maks. 33 tahun
- Pendidikan minimal SLTA-S1
- Penampilan bersih & rapi
- Mau belajar dan diajar
- Mampu berkomunikasi dengan lancar

Paket Penghasilan:
- Penghasilan tetap bulanan
- Komisi penjualan
- Insentif Tour
- Bonus Prestasi
- Asuransi kesehatan

Surat lamaran lengkap dikirimkan ke alamat berikut:

Jl. Benyamin Suaeb Blok A5
Ruko Apartemen Palazzo Blok B/19
Kemayoran, Jakarta Pusat 10630

Atau email ke:

Closing date:     15 February 2011
Read More... LoKer Hari InI: 2011

PT Sinergi Prima Sukses

Job title: Entry Level
Job function:  Sales and Marketing
Job position:  Brand Ambassador for International Tobacco Company
Work location:  Java, Central
Level of education:  Associate Degree
Major:  Any
Work experience: Not required
Offering salary: Rp 5 million - Rp 7 million

- Female
- Height min. 169 cm
- Ideal weight to height
- Good personality and good attitude
- Good looking
- Smart
- Passive English
Job description:
An International Tobacco Company requires 17 persons BRAND AMBASSADOR / SPG with the terms:
- Woman
- Good Looking
- Min. Height 169 cm
- Smart
- Communicative

For canvasing in the Central Java Region.

For those who come from outside Semarang / Yogyakarta, we provide guest house & transport (full facilities).

Closing date:     05 February 2011
Read More... LoKer Hari InI: 2011

PT Dutagriya Sarana

Job title: Entry Level
Job function: Sales and Marketing
Job position: Syariah Funding Executive
Work location: Semarang
Level of education: Associate Degree
Major: Any
Work experience: At least 1 year
Offering salary: Not specified

- Pria/wanita, usia maks. 35 tahun
- Pendidikan min. D3 dari semua jurusan
- Memiliki pengalaman sebagai sales min. 6 bulan
- Fresh Graduate dipersilahkan untuk melamar
- Berpenampilan menarik dan mempunyai kepribadian baik
- Komunikatif dan persuasif
- Memiliki jaringan/relasi yang luas
Job description:   
- Bertanggung jawab terhadap target penjualan prosuk funding bank (Tabungan, Deposito & Giro)
- Dapat bekerjasama dengan pimpinan & staf cabang Bank Syariah & Konvensional terbesar di Indonesia
- Mampu berkontribusi dengan kapasitas kemampuan yang dimiliki untuk keuntungan perusahaan

Closing date:     07 February 2011
Read More... LoKer Hari InI: 2011


PT DIPA Group an importir, exclusive distributor, and marketer. Due the organization growth and expansion, we are looking for potential candidates with highly motivated, innovative, team-work oriented, high integrity, and energetic to fulfill the chalenging position at our group follow:

Job title: Entry Level
Job position: Field Training Specialist (Marketing)
Work location:  Semarang
Level of education:  Bachelor's Degree
Major:  Any
Work experience: At least 1 year
Offering salary:     Not specified
Requirements:     - Male/female, age max. 32 years old
- Education minimum Bachelor Degree in any discipline
- Preferable minimum 1 year experience in the same field (Training/Marketing in Pharmacy)
- Pleasant and dynamic personal with enthusiasm to learn
- Excellent communication, interpersonal, analytical skills
- Able to deliver a good presentation and have understanding about training methods
- Willing to be located in Jakarta/Surabaya/Semarang
- Able to ride motorcycle and possessed driving license (SIM C)

If you meet the qualifications required, please send your resume along with recent photograph to:

Or send to:
Jl. Kebayoran Lama No. 28
Jakarta Selatan

Closing date:     09 February 2011
Read More... LoKer Hari InI: 2011

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